Make-Effect for QNX4

Make-Effect is a command line tool for creating Makefile-based projects in QNX4. It helps to manage build sessions; supports unit-testing; can use partial compilation extracting dependency information from Watcom C/C++ object files

You can access documentation online (english version) here

You can access documentation online (russian version) here

Related and Make-Effect based projects


Crossplatform utility to build QNX4 projects remotely from Windows host. Using the utility allows you to transfer compiler error reports directly to your favorite IDE run on Windows (XP or higher)


qnxmake-qnx4-bin.tar.gz (apr 2008)   qnx4 side binary package (see installation notes below) (apr 2008)   windows side binary package (see installation notes below)

Installation notes


  1. Share your QNX4 root directory ( "/" ) using Samba or NFS
  2. Map QNX4 filesystem share to any drive-letter in Windows host
  3. If you plan NFS sharing in Windows XP you should install the following update

QNX4-side installation

  1. Extract qnx4-package to a temp directory
  2. Move qnxmake_d to /usr/local/bin
  3. Add line from inetd.1 to your "inetd" config file (location of inetd config file depends on way you start tcp. It is usually /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/config/inetd.<your node>)
  4. Add line from services to your /etc/services" config file

Windows-side installation

  1. Copy windows-package to the root of windows disk (C:\
  2. Extracted to a current directory
  3. Configure C:\Program Files\qnxmake\qnxmake.cfg according to your envieronment: tcp address of qnx machine and drive letter which your QNX4 root directory is mapped to
Use scenario
  1. Create makefile-based project in your qnx host. eg. /home/andrey/myproject/Makefile
  2. Go to your windows host and open command line console
  3. Go to Q:\home\andrey\myproject (assume you've mounted the root qnx directory to driveletter Q)
  4. Launch make
  5. Enjoy! Since IDEs can launch make and parse its output